1·I'm sure he'll go out with a determined mind to try and strengthen in certain areas.
2·Success is determined most fully by your happiness, your peace of mind, and your feelings of self-worth, fulfillment and joy in life.
3·To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment.
4·Morgiana, while they were at supper, determined in her own mind to execute one of the boldest ACTS ever meditated.
5·Ensure that you are determined to complete the job at hand before you allow your mind to take detours into other arenas awaiting attention.
6·Remember that the subconscious mind has determined the success and wonderful achievements of all great scientific workers.
7·Of course, keep in mind that nothing is foolproof - determined hackers can gain access to your account as can anyone who guesses your password....
8·Whether we are happy or not is determined by our state of mind.
9·The concept of physics is the free product of the human mind, and it is not entirely determined by the outside world, whether it appears or not.
10·With their struggle in mind, I wrote my senior thesis on Entrepreneurship in China and was determined to find out in what ways I can help the entrepreneurs in China to succeed.